
All About us.

Azar Farooq holds a Sixth Dan Black Belt from WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations). All classes are held in a friendly environment with expert tuition. Through the help of learning discipline through Kickboxing martial arts your child can develop their confidence in as little as ten weeks. Your children will be learning Kickboxing from a World Class Champion Kickboxer in top quality facilities.

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Azar Farooq Kickboxing holds one of West Yorkshire prime martial arts classes. We cater for children in all age ranges. Making bespoke classes with high quality professional tuition in all the discipline of kickboxing.

Our aim is not only to improve each child’s kickboxing skills, but improve fundamental life long skills including, focus, self-esteem, motivation, confidence, health, discipline and fine motor skills to name just a few. These life skills are the building blocks to succeed in day to day life.

These classes have been tried and perfected in local primary schools, proving that everyone can take part and succeed regardless of age and gender.

All children get the opportunity to succeed in becoming a Black Belt. Which is recognised throughout our nation and the world.

Every child is trained in independently to their best of abilities. Children are also trained other aspects of martial arts.

If you would like more information you can get in touch with us on 07855 144 403 or alternatively reach out to by sending us a message here or emailing at azarrehman@hotmail.co.uk